Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce that the 5th AISDD will take place July 3-4 July, 2020 at the MEGARON Athens International Conference Center will be organized by the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology. As scientific and organizing directors of the Symposium, we would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the core objectives and activities of our scientific program.
This International Symposium addresses not only gastroenterologists interested in being up-to-date with the latest developments, but also to general internal medicine practitioners, with a perspective on diagnosis, prevention and management at the primary care level. Our ultimate objective is an evidence-based, scientific interdisciplinary exchange between faculty and participants, with a specific aim at improving patient clinical outcomes.
Our key instruments in achieving this are:
Extensive lecture coverage of recent developments in digestive diseases Live Procedures: Live case satellite transmission demonstrations from 2 prestigious hospitals in Athens with multiple rooms, interspersed with lectures to optimize continuity and technical comprehension.
A great opportunity for young endoscopists to get hands-on training by the best professors worldwide on the latest endoscopic techniques and procedures.
Focus on gastrointestinal cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Interdisciplinary updates that include IBD and liver disease topics
Committed to its main aim, this year the AISDD Symposium is formed to be attractive and towards the needs of the entire medical community, appropriate to share knowledge and experience for a universal educational benefit!
We invite you all to join us in Athens and discover what makes the AISDD Symposium such a special and progressive scientific event.
AISDD 2020 Scientific Directors